Study and meditation on Relaxing in the Nature of Mind of the Great Perfection
The course spans over five years and was started in the summer of 2016. It will be held in Finland during two weeks annually. The course is led by Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche who is the founder and spiritual director of the Danakosha Dharma Community.
Study materials
Main study material:
- Great Chariot: a commentary on Relaxing in the Nature of Mind of the Great Perfection written by Longchen Rabjam
Additional study materials:
- The Essential Instructions on the Three Virtues, the Ground, Path and Fruition of Relaxing in the Nature of Mind, the Great Perfection (Exellent Path to Awakening), which is the essence of the Great Chariot, written by Longchen Rabjam
- Ocean of Eloquent Explanations, containing the history of Buddhism in India and Tibet, written by Longchen Rabjam
The commentary Great Chariot is the subject of study for the course which contains the essence of the Sutrayana, Vajrayana and Great Perfection, including the preliminaries up to the result of the Great Perfection.
The Exellent Path to Awakening with 141 separate practices, is a complete practice manual containing the entire Buddhist teachings. Organized in accordance with Dzogchen, the pinnacle view of Tibetan Buddhism, the text begins with preliminary practices from the Sutrayana and the other tantras as preparation for the practice of Dzogchen.
These texts are in the process of being translated and will be made available for participants.
Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche
Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche was born on 25th November 1975 as a son of Venerable Lama Thubten Kalsang and Yongdu Wangmo. He was recognized by H.H. Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche as the 3rd reincarnation of the Tibetan master Gegong Rogza Sonam Palge Rinpoche. Read more
Fourth year:
Because of the Covid-19 situation, the teaching on the fifth year of the course has been postponed. Our plan and wish is to have the last year of the course from July 4th to 19th 2021.
Danakosha Ling
Forssantie 37
31600 Jokioinen, Finland
Find on map.
At the end of the third year, there is one exam and after the whole course there is a final exam.