Glimpses from the 2016 course:

After two intensive weeks of listening and studying the 2016 summer course was concluded. The elucidating commentary given kindly by Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche has inspired the participants to continue contemplating and meditating on Longchen Rabjam’s great words in the following years to come. All the participants were happy to have recieved these precious instructions!

The course participants gathered at the conlusion of the course.

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A feast offering to commemorate the birth of Guru Padmasambhava at the start of the course.

View from the meditation hall.

Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche answering questions from the audience.

On the last day of the course we had a great lunch together.

Those who live in the ten directions of the world,
As many sentient beings as may be in existence,
By my merit may all of them gain happiness,
And may they all be free from any suffering.
– Longchen Rabjam

Thanks to Peeter for the photos.